10894NAT – Course in workplace impairment prevention
The 10894NAT Course in workplace impairment prevention specifies the outcomes required to recognise the health and safety factors, risks and hazards of working impaired and to plan for the implementation of safe systems of work aimed at prevention of impairment. The course outcomes apply to building and construction workers where the health and wellbeing are at risk due to working impaired.
Graduates will be able to identify and apply the following knowledge within the context of their job roles for their own safety and the safety of fellow workers and bystanders:
- the relevant legislations, guidelines and standards
- the identification of impairment causes and factors
- the consequences, hazards and risks to health
- mental health definition, statistics and factors
- systems for safe working conditions
- risk assessments and hazard prevention
The course duration is 4 hours
Retail: $350 GST Free
GAP Price: $250 GST Free

For participants to be eligible for the GAP price, they must meet the requirements from the ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority.
An eligible person is any person usually working in or in connection with the building and construction industry in the ACT who is substantially (at least 80%) performing “work liable for the training levy” or is a person deemed as an eligible person on application to the authority.
This course may help you meet your lawful obligations to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the FWBC Building Code.
Delivery method: Face to Face. Face to Screen web based delivery also available. Please contact the office on 02 6230 1320.