NSW Silica and asbestos awareness training

This course covers the mandatory NSW legislative requirements for crystalline silica training stated by SafeWork NSW:

  • Identify the health risks associated with exposure to respirable crystalline silica, including signs and symptoms of silicosis
  • How to determine if a material contains crystalline silica, including:
    • an explanation of the forms of crystalline silica listed in 529A of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation
    • the common materials and products known to contain crystalline
  • How to interpret safety data sheets (SDS) and manufacturer’s information, including the meaning of ‘processing’ in relation to crystalline silica substance as defined by section 529A of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation
  • How respirable crystalline silica is generated during processing, how workers can be exposed and the relevant workplace exposure standards for the forms of respirable crystalline silica
  • What is ‘controlled’ processing of crystalline silica substance under section 529B of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation
  • The requirements for the controls listed in subsection 529B(1)(b) of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation, how they work and how to use them
  • The types of respiratory protective equipment specified by ‘AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment’, deemed as being suitable to protect against exposure to respirable crystalline silica
  • How to determine if respiratory protective equipment is compliant with the required standard ‘AS/NZS 1716:2012 Respiratory protective devices’
  • Fit-checking, fit-testing and facial-hair requirements for tight-fitting respiratory protective equipment in compliance with ‘AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment’
  • General housekeeping and cleaning methods to eliminate or minimise risk of exposure to respirable crystalline silica for crystalline silica substance processes.
  • Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation requirements for:
    • silica risk control plans (or safe work method statements (SWMS) for construction work) under section 529CB of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation when undertaking processing which is high risk
    • compliance with a silica risk control plan under section 529CC of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation or, for SWMS, section 300 of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation
    • compliance with section 529CE including:
      • determining when air monitoring may be required under section 50 of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation
      • providing the regulator with results of any air monitoring undertaken which shows the airborne concentration of respirable crystalline silica has exceeded the workplace exposure standard for crystalline silica
      • determining when health monitoring may be required under part 7.1 division 6 of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation

There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos fibres. We must all observe safety precautions when removing or working with asbestos. Ignorance may lead to exposing oneself and others, such as family and co-workers to long-term health risks.

Our NSW Silica and asbestos awareness training specifies the outcomes required to recognise the workplace health and safety (WHS) risks and hazards associated with asbestos in the workplace.

By completing this course, participants will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to identify when and where asbestos and asbestos containing material (ACM) may be present, the precautions that need to be taken if it is present and reporting procedures that are required.

This course covers a range of topics, including:

  • identification of crystalline silica containing products
  • the relevant NSW legislation, guidelines and standards
  • the consequences, hazards and risks to health due to exposure
  • exposure standards
  • safety data sheets (SDS)
  • hierarchy of controls
  • systems for prevention of exposure
  • risk assessments and hazard prevention
  • learn about the history of asbestos
  • identify the different types of asbestos
  • understand the hazards and effects of asbestos
  • understand the legislation governing asbestos
  • reporting procedures for asbestos products

The course duration is 4 – 5 hours face to face delivery (dependant number of participants enrolled in the course). Group bookings only.


  • This will help you meet your NSW work health and safety (WHS) lawful obligations
  • This course may fore fill the obligations under your organisations existing Enterprise Agreement

Delivery method: Face to face. Group bookings only. Please contact our office on 02 6230 1320 and ask to speak with our Training Coordinator to obtain a quote or arrange a group training session.